Enough is enough, I’m tired of putting this off. After waking up on a gloomy Saturday morning, having a not-so-healthy breakfast, and feeling tired despite my morning coffee shot, I opened my laptop, ready to enter the endless loop of switching between different browsers, putting out fires, and ending the day feeling exhausted. There’s never enough time in a day (I know, just a lie I tell myself to help me cope). Anyway, I soon got a notification from my favourite podcast, My First Million, which made me feel super inspired to write my first blog. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, but I’ve been putting it off. My excuses? Well, there are many. First of all, who am I to write a blog that people will be interested in? And besides, I’m running businesses, I simply don’t have time for this blah blah blah. Then I had an epiphany: I’m doing this for the wrong reasons. That’s why I’ve been making all these excuses. My 'why' is wrong and must change in order not only to start but to remain consistent. I’m not the best writer, but I genuinely enjoy writing. That’s all that matters.
Today, I’m saying F*** it. I’m going to write. I’m going to write simply because I enjoy it. It’s going to be like a form of journal for me. I have big plans of buying Manchester United (FYI, I’ve already written the cheque, with one little problem: my bank isn’t balancing). On a more serious note, I want to be able to look back and see how far I’ve come in 10–20 years. I want my future children to read about my journey, my struggles, and how I overcame them, even after I’m gone. Who knows, it may even turn into a book someday. I still have my diary from when I was 13 years old and going through traumas that not many people my age experienced. Once in a while, I read it, and I’m filled with gratitude for how far I’ve come and grown (yes, metaphorically – I’m only a few inches taller). Things that, at the time, seemed like the end of the world, I now read and laugh about. My sense of reasoning, my sense of humour, and my sense of being. It puts life into perspective. Most things we go through are temporary, no matter how much it feels like they’ll last forever.

Ultimately, as I write more, I’ll become more self-aware. It’ll force me to pause and reflect, give me a chance to be more critical of myself and the decisions I make on a daily basis. There’s also the constant learning aspect. One of the best ways we retain information is by learning to teach. Now that my why is stronger for this journal, I think we’ve got a solid foundation. So I’m going to make a public promise: I will write every single day, come rain or shine. I must write, even if it’s just a single paragraph. Not for anybody, but for myself.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, you’re going to get to know me personally – my hobbies, routines, businesses, and big ideas. You may take away a thing or two from my experiences and apply it in your own life. I’ll share some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in business, like an employee getting stabbed, and how I overcame or am overcoming these challenges. It won’t be perfect, and it may seem all over the place at first, but as time goes on, and as a big believer in the Kaizen approach, I’ll continuously learn and improve my methods of delivery.
Let me end by saying: motivation is perishable, it comes and goes. Due to this unreliability, you can’t depend on it alone. You need something more, something sustainable. You need a plan, you need to take action immediately when the motivation strikes, and you need to be disciplined. Knowing this simple fact is why I decided to take action immediately and start writing even before the podcast came to an end. If I’d put it off and said I’d do it later, would I have still done it? Would I have got started? Most likely not.
Peace for now.